
Saturday, December 30, 2023

《IM FIRST CLASS The Gold List 2023 金榜榜单》为读者评选出明年必到的旅游景点、酒店、航空和餐厅

IM FIRST CLASS  The Gold List 2023 金榜榜单》为读者评选出明年必到的旅游景点、酒店、航空和餐厅

第四届IM FIRST CLASS  The Gold List 2023 金榜榜单》早前于八打灵高原的 Sushi Shinjiru 梦举行颁奖典礼兼 Omakase 午宴,以表彰旅游业者们所提供的卓越与创新的旅游产品和体验。

由《IM FIRST CLASS 极度奢华》于 2020 年开始创办的《IM FIRST CLASS  The Gold List 2023 金榜榜单》,至今已来到了第四届。IM FIRST CLASS 极度奢华》主编余联辉明白许多旅游业者和商家在疫情时期所遇到的困难,所以特意在 2020 年底的季刊开始推出年度奖的特别企划,以陪伴业者们度过艰难时刻。默默努力了两年,直到后疫情时期,才于 2022 12 20 日举办了首场小而精致的实体颁奖典礼。


IM FIRST CLASS 极度奢华》主编余联辉也在会上宣布为了增加《IM FIRST CLASS  The Gold List 2023 金榜榜单》 的可信度以及鼓励更多民众的参与2024 年的《IM FIRST CLASS  The Gold List 金榜榜单》将会以民众及行内专业人士投票及评选的方式诞生。

「我们希望《IM FIRST CLASS  The Gold List 金榜榜单》会成为受到业界及民众认可及视为标准的一份榜单,就像米其林指南一样,在旅行前和当中人手一份。」

今年上榜的得奖者皆由《IM FIRST CLASS》杂志编辑部依据每个得奖者的特色评选出来,这些得奖者都努力为各自企业或景点赢得认可。

此榜单主旨在为旅游业的卓越和创新树立标,并为读者们把优质的旅行资讯集结起来,包括酒店、餐厅、航空和景点等。《IM FIRST CLASS》杂志希望来年能扩大榜单选项,如游轮、火车、旅行社等等,所以诚意邀请旅游业者和读者们共襄盛举,一起参与未来的榜单入围及评鉴过程。


IM FIRST CLASS The Gold List 2023 金榜榜单》成绩

最佳旅游景点  Best Destination To Travel日本


最佳旅游景点  Best Destination To Travel泰国


最佳旅游景点  Best Destination To Travel台湾


最佳旅游景点  Best Destination To Travel澳洲


最佳旅游景点  Best Destination To Travel奥地利








最佳酒店集团:北海道 OMO series by Hoshino resorts



Friday, December 29, 2023

Malaysian Humanitarian Foundation collaborates with Teach for Malaysia to empower underprivileged students with leadership skills

Malaysian Humanitarian Foundation collaborates with Teach for Malaysia to empower underprivileged students with leadership skills

Award-winning non-profit organisation, Malaysian Humanitarian Foundation (“MHF”) is working closely with Malaysia’s leading educational non-profit organisation, Teach for Malaysia (“TFM”) in identifying students from B40 households to offer scholarships to attend SuperCamp.

For the December edition which ran from 18 to 22 December 2023 at Paradise Valley Broga Resort, Semenyih, Selangor, seven (7) students from several schools within Klang Valley were shortlisted by TFM to attend SuperCamp.

“We work on a system to extend opportunities like this to students from the underserved communities. Not having the resources to attend programmes like this should not hinder you from unlocking your full potential and achieving greatness in the future. We hope that from 2024 onwards, we can extend the scholarships to at least 50 students annually,” Henry Teh Kok Kheng, Executive Director of MHF (郑国庆) says.


Empowering the future leaders of Malaysia

Vassenthen A/L Devendren, 16, was filled with excitement to be selected for SuperCamp. The SMK (L) Methodist Sentul student candidly shares that his self-esteem took a hit during the transition from a Tamil school to a national school after his UPSR, which left him dissatisfied with the result. He also feels less confident due to his larger physical build.

“I was disappointed to receive my UPSR result and decided to make a change. I started following a strict regime where I only allowed minimal time to rest and spend time with my family. Being the eldest in my family also means that I have the big brother role to play,” he says. He also continues to study Tamil subjects to honour his Indian heritage as he aspires to excel in his mother tongue, while improving his proficiency in English and Bahasa Melayu.

His mother, Mogana Sunthari A/P Govindan, 41 is also surprised to see how much time Vassenthen spends in his room studying. “Everyday, after school he retreats to his room to study. Sometimes, he only texts or calls me on the phone when he wants to eat. I can see that he is driven to be successful in the future, so I’ll continue to support him,” she says. “Interestingly, though, he doesn't aspire to become a doctor! He mentioned that the COVID-19 experience has truly scared him!”


Another scholar from SMK Seksyen 27, Shah Alam, Maizatulakma Lisa Aqilah Abdullah, is a big fan of Korean culture, particularly the food and fashion. Despite her passion for entertainment, she strongly believes that her peers should set their priorities right from such a young age.

“I know a lot of students my age want to be content creators and influencers, but I honestly hope to be a teacher one day. So, I’ll work hard towards this goal, acknowledging that I can be a bit lazy at times. However, after attending SuperCamp, I really found motivation to do better,” says the 15-year old student.

“Yes, she can be lazy sometimes,” laughs Maizatulakma’s mother, Zaidatulnisa binti Salleh, 39. “But she’s really a good girl. She’s the eldest in the family and takes care of her younger siblings. She makes sure that all her homework is completed before coming home. She is also actively working for an NGO on the side, something that she picks up from me. I too am actively working for several NGOs that empower children from the B40 group with education around our neighborhood.”

Zaidatulnisa also hopes that the Malaysian education system will bring back examinations for the students. “I see examinations as a way to motivate students to apply what they have learnt at school. Examinations provide a quantifiable and measurable method for parents to assess their children's progress at school. It's not about making comparisons of whose child is better or smarter.”


Zuraida Zulkifli, 48, is a proud mother to Daliya Safeera Ramli, 15, a student at SMK Shah Alam, Bukit Jelutong. “She is very quiet at home and likes to keep to herself. She only approaches us when she needs help. She is different from her older sister who was a prefect and active at school. Her sister also attended a boarding school,” says the full-time housewife. 

“I don’t really want to attend boarding school like my sister,” Daliya laughs. “I’m actually an introvert and I’m afraid to make mistakes, especially when speaking in front of the crowd. Even when studying, I rely on the Internet and Youtube videos when I hit a wall. It’s not always a bad thing as it allows students like me to learn at our own pace. Now that I have attended Supercamp, I feel more confident, especially in overcoming my fear of public speaking, and I am excited to share my opinions on various issues”.


Senior Assistant Administrator from Daliya’s school, Tuan Saripah Nor Riha Tuan Jaafar is extremely proud that one of her students was selected to receive a full scholarship to attend SuperCamp. “When TFM reached out to us to share the information about SuperCamp, we submitted 8 applications and were so delighted to know that despite the limited vacancies, Daliya made it through,” she says. “Daliya is a very dedicated student who attended all meetings set by TFM prior to her selection. I hope that she will return to our school and share everything she has learned here with her friends. We look forward to seeing more of our students attending SuperCamp in the future”.

SuperCamp is a global education brand that believes that children who are equipped with ‘the 8 Keys of Excellence’, a  foundation based on the Burklyn Business School; can transform themselves to become self-motivated learners. The 8 Keys of Excellence entail:

  • Integrity
  • Failure leads to Success
  • Ownership
  • Speak with Good Purpose
  • Commitment
  • Flexibility
  • This is It
  • Balance

Meanwhile, TFM is an independent, not-for-profit organisation on a mission to give all children the opportunity to realise their potential through quality education. This education champion has been partnering with the Ministry of Education in Malaysia to reach high-need public schools. At the same time, TFM is one of the 61 partners of the prestigious global education network, Teach for All. TFM received recognition in 2022 for the Education & Community Category at the Merdeka Award established by PETRONAS, ExxonMobil and Shell in 2007.

【吉隆坡顶级夜生活体验】Xpaze Superclub:超炫的狂欢倒数跨年夜派对

【吉隆坡顶级夜生活体验】Xpaze Superclub:超炫的狂欢倒数跨年夜派对

年近岁末,Xpaze Super Club将与大家在狂欢跨年倒数派对中一起辞旧迎新!这个占地30,000 平方英尺的非凡超级俱乐部将以未来太空为主题,和最先进的激光表演重新定义夜生活体验。这场令人振奋的盛宴势必能刺激大家的感官,并全面升华全新派对体验,为2023 年画上圆满的句号,一起在觥筹交错中倒数跨入新的一年!

今年跨年夜的银河跨年倒数派对(Galactic New Year's Eve Party上,来自中国的DJ Sieya将以完美的节奏与大家彻夜狂欢,迎接2024年!


Xpaze为女士们精心打造一系列活动 - 每逢周三为女神夜;而周四则是充满电子舞曲的EDM夜晚。这种狂欢乐趣将持续到周五和周六,而周日则是令人振奋的嘻哈盛宴。这系列超炫体验将于每逢周三至周日,晚上9点开始,持续至凌晨3点。入场费为RM60,女士们可于周三和周日免费入场。

追踪官方 FacebookInstagram TikTok 以关注Xpaze 的每周最新动态

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

一起去成都,欢乐中国年!Let’s Celebrate Chinese New Year in Chengdu | Chengdu Culture and Tourism (Malaysia) Promotional Event

一起去成都,欢乐中国年! Let’s Celebrate Chinese New Year in Chengdu | Chengdu Culture and Tourism (Malaysia) Promotional Event


马来西亚是成都重要的入境游客源地, 12 1 日中国外交部对法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、马来西亚 6 国实施单方面免签入境的政策利好,推动马来西亚来蓉旅游订单持续增加。为进一步用好六国免签政策,积极拓展成都入境游客源市场,本次推介会针对东南亚地区华人华侨众多,了解热爱中华文化和民俗风情,喜爱的大熊猫、大雪山、中国年等旅游偏好,重点针对推广“Happy Spring Festival & Enjoy Chengdu’s Lifestyle 与雪山和熊猫一起欢度新春旅游线路和产品,针对性的开拓东南亚的入境游客源市场。马来西亚当地旅游局代表、旅游协会代表、航空公司及同行业代表,与吉隆坡当地市民一起参与本次推介会。

出席推介礼的嘉宾,分别是成都市文化广电旅游局副局长郭骥 、雪州旅游局产业发展部经理蔡依霖、马来西亚华人旅游业公会总会长包一雄、中国文化中心主任张杰鑫、中国国航营业部总经理朱文明、马来西亚民俗文化总会总会长简敬谊、内容创作者Wilson Ng、成都市文化广电旅游局办公室主任敬晓艳,以及四川省同城化办公室保障组组长何亚军。




内容创作者Wilson Ng



本次推介会吸引了雪兰莪州旅游局、马来西亚入境旅游协会、马来西亚旅游总会等政府机构及协会,以及Apple Vacation 苹果旅游、 壩罗旅游、海连天假期旅行社、安顺大地旅游等当地旅程机构近50人参与。本次推介会向现场来宾带来了成都文旅资源、精品旅游产品以及六国免签政策的详细解读,向马来西亚民众发出来自天府之国的诚挚邀请,欢迎大家在春节前后来到成都,体验浓郁地道的中国年、成都味。








一起去成都 欢乐中国年







