广受大家爱戴的Tiger Beer推介的Tiger STREATS是全球首创,一个融合街头美食和高级餐饮的美食活动。这个惊喜交汇的美食概念,让首位获得米其林一星小贩美食荣誉的Hawker
Chan),联合东京文华东方酒店米其林星级餐厅前行政主厨兼现代主义餐厅 Babe KL 东主兼主厨 Jeff Ramsey 首次合作呈献的Tiger
Platinum Warehouse。
当晚,当局将原本不起眼的仓库打造成复古情怀的繁华大街,现场逾700 位美食爱好者聚集一起,在街头食肆的餐桌上分享美食和各款冰冻怡神的
Tiger 佳酿。
这场让人惊叹不已的“惊喜交汇”混合料理由 Chef Ramsey掀开序幕。率先登场的是名为‘Down the Rabbit Hole’的开胃菜。这是一道混合如
nasi lemak 和 roti banjir 等大家所喜爱的本地美食的特色料理;
紧接下来是带来三种叻沙口味的‘Laksa Injections’,他巧妙地以管状的方式呈献,感觉新奇有趣。
小贩紧接着的是万众期待的米其林一星美食,Hawker Chan陈翰铭的招牌港式油鸡饭。看似和一般的鸡肉无异,尝了一口后发现鸡肉滑嫩爽口,肉质鲜甜多汁,浓郁的酱汁味道稍甜,但绝对是灵魂之一,味蕾一大满足。
最后登场的甜点是两人联手炮制的‘Two Makes a Blossom’。
This culinary
masterpiece, created exclusively for Tiger STREATS, featured an aromatic
combination of Asian pears with a rosewater and honey mousse that enhanced the
homely taste of the classic flower jelly. Fermented Roselle and its syrup
coupled with a mint garnishing topped off this breezy dessert.<}0{>这道特为
Tiger STREATS 设计的精致料理,是亚洲梨子、玫瑰露和蜂蜜慕斯的甜蜜交汇,芳香四溢。经典鲜花果冻升华后,带来令人倍感亲切的家乡味。甜点撒上发酵过洛神花和其糖浆及薄荷,尝出幸福的滋味。
As the night
went on, guests were presented with an unexpected Tiger STREATS inspired Yee Sang dish in conjunction with the
commencement of Tiger Beer’s Chinese New Year 2017 campaign. Prepared with a
new twist on tradition to kick off the brand new lunar year, the Yee Sang dishes were filled with
unexpected ingredients such as dried prawn crackers and satay sauce for added
abundance and prosperity in the year ahead.<}0{>配合《
Tiger Beer 2017 年华人新年活动》而推出特别制作‘ Tiger STREATS 鸿运鱼生’,采用具虾饼和沙爹酱等具有本地风味的丰盛配料,期望新的一年里丰盛富足和繁荣昌盛。
Guests were
in for another surprise when the hawker stations were revelead, offering
everyone with more food to enjoy that night. Prepared by renowned food
establishments in Malaysia - Tujo
Bar-sserie & Grill, Chocha Foodstores, Hoppers, and Inside Scoop - the
hawker stations carried a contemporary interpretations of local street food
where guests were able to have a bite on traditional food with a touch of
modernity.<}0{>现场设有多个美食摊位,为本地的街头美食展现出现代风格,让大家得以品尝其他极具特色的美食,包括 Tujo
Bar-sserie & Grill、Chocha Foodstores、Hoppers、
Inside Scoop 等。
Alongside the
great food, there were also some amazing performances by Tiger Jams finalists,
Rozella and Son of a Policeman, to keep the crowd entertained. Engagement
activities and games were conducted to make the night a memorable one for the
Jams 决赛入围艺人 Rozella 和 Son
of a Policeman 也在当晚带来精彩表演,让观众尽情享受感官体验。现场还设有各种有趣游戏和活动,让大家尽兴而归。
Tiger Beer 市场营销经理
Jessie Chuah 披露:“能获得两位著名厨师联手合作为
Tiger STREATS 街头美食活动操刀,我们为此深感荣幸。能看到来自不同背景的美食爱好者并肩而坐,品尝丰富的街头美食及享用冰冻 Tiger 的景象,为现场增添了欢乐无比的愉悦气氛。”
TIGER BEER WITH STREET FOOD, WE SIT CLOSER TOGETHER.<}0{>大家乐聚街头食肆的餐桌,分享 Tiger 和街头美食,拉近彼此的距离。