Monday, October 31, 2016

闹市街角尝出正宗东瀛风味 - Kokoro Japanese Restaurant @ Taman Segar, Cheras

相隔一个月后再次亲临这家位于蕉赖Taman SegarKokoro日本餐厅参与试吃活动。繁忙的商圈依旧车水马龙,但这次有别于早前(食评分享请按)的试吃,同行的还有常年飞往日本经营食品贸易生意的老板Joe,和一群美食部落客。热爱美食的大家聚集一起,共享丰盛美食和交流,别具意义。
Sashimi Salmon wih Karashi Dressing (RM18.90)
Sushi Tako (RM10.90/2)
Sushi Hamachi (RM13.90/2)
Sushi Salmon (RM8.90/2)
Salt Grilled Salmon Head (RM13.90)
Nasu Hame (RM13.90) 
Grilled Pork Belly Don (RM16.90)
Ebi Ten Don (RM18.90)
Seafood with Tofu Dashi Nabe (RM20.90)
Claypot Seafood Udon Soup (RM16.90)
Shitake Miso Soup Cha Soba (RM17.90)
Kokoro Japanese Restaurant
地址:16, Jalan Manis 4, Taman Segar, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur (毗邻龙门客栈火锅店)
电话:+603-9133 9832
周日至周四:11am – 10:30pm

Sunday, October 30, 2016

CompAsia推出「Renew+」计划,让你零预付款项并以低至RM160月费即可拥有全新的iPhone 7或7+

想要拥有一部最新的iPhone 77+
区域型资讯科技资产处理(ITAD)公司, ComputerAsia私人有限公司(CompAsia)日前推出最新的Renew+」智能手机计划,让你以「超低月费」和「无需预付款项」就能拥有一部全新的iPhone而且还能于12月内折旧贴换upgrade新一代智能手机,而「无需缴付提升或终止服务的费用」。
CompAsia首席执行员林贤龙(Julius Lim于推介礼上披露:CompAsia将联合Maybank推出长达24个月的EzPay「零利率分期付款」计划让符合条件的客户们使用马银行信用卡购买新型的iPhone
异于一般的智能手机优惠配套,通过「Renew+」计划,客户无需再被单一电讯公司綑绑两年,更具伸缩性。此计划也包含「Phone Guard」并提供免费一年的保险,若手机屏幕破裂将可获保,实在贴心。
透过「Renew+」计划,如今只需浏览CompAsia网上零售店或亲临合作夥伴的店面,即可以低至RM160月费,就能拥有一部32GB的最新iPhone 7

欲知更多详情,欢迎浏览CompAsia官方网站 或关注其官方面子书

Friday, October 28, 2016

‘Wonders of Diwali’ At Sunway Putra Mall

Thank you to Sunway Putra Mall for inviting me to their launch of ‘Wonders of Diwali’ campaign, in conjunction with the celebration of Deepavali this year. 
The time of Deepavali is one of the most beautiful times of the year that is filled with light and love. From 19th to 30th October, Sunway Putra Mall is in for a glorious celebration, featuring a gorgeous 7-feet peacock sculpture in royal blue sequins that is set elegantly at the Main Concourse located at ground floor.
The elegant giant peacock was specially decorated by the children of Yayasan Chow Kit (YCK) and Lighthouse Children Welfare Home Association
It is also surrounded by a beautiful Kolam design which is a perfect combination of traditional and contemporary art.
"Deepavali , the celebration of lights is one of the most colourful celebration in our multi social society. This year's Deepavali decoration is special as we had a special touch by the children of YCK and Lighthouse Children Welfare Home Association. It's our responsibility not only to promote the tradition of our local festival to young children, but also to the tourists on the beautiful culture that we have in Malaysia.” says Ms. Phang Sau Lian, General Manager of Sunway Putra Mall during the launch of Wonders of Diwali campaign.

The elegant peacock carries the special religious significance as it is seen as an indicator of beauty, glory and refinement whereas the eye in the feather represents the divine wisdom.
On the other hand, Sunway Putra Mall will be giving away free 'kacang putih' every weekends,  from 19th to 30th October, at the concierge counter located at ground floor. 
During the weekdays, shoppers also get to enjoy free henna art service at the beauty kiosk located at the Main Concourse.

In conjunction with the upcoming Diwali, shoppers also get to splurge on the variety of offerings as there will be kiosk selling traditional cloths, assortments of Deepavali sweets, and henna art service available at the Main Concourse.
Shoppers who spend RM250 in two (2) receipts [RM150 for HSBC credit card & Sunway Pals members] will receive an exclusive candle holder, whereas shoppers who spend RM450 and above in three (3) receipts [RM350 for HSBC credit card & Sunway Pals members] will receive a set of Laura Mercier's shower set .
Last but not least, shoppers get to enjoy two (2) hours of free parking with any spending made at any outlets too [HSBC credit card holders gets to park for free].
Let’s share and spread the happiness around by contributing food and home supplies to Lotus Charity Home for this festive season. Food donation can be made at the Food Bank box located next to Starbucks Coffee at ground floor. 

Wishing you a Happy Deepavali! May the light of Diwali bring us prosperity and happiness!

Sunway Putra Mall 
Customer Service Care: +603-2786 9333 
Instagram: @Sunway_Putramall
Twitter: @Sun_Putramall